Business Development and Projects
Our Current Digital Brainstorm
A sample of our domain portfolio and an example of what the plan for the site will be originally built for, potential use, or listed price, all under construction and thought development:
Automotive Related:
-Ford Mustang History, News, Core Information, Directory
-Acura TL News, Modifications, Parts, Directory
-Dealership Directory - (For Sale $250K)
-Fan Website, Car History, Photos, Parts, Current Listings
-Dealership Directory - (For Sale $1m)
-Custom Badges, Licensing for Car Enthusiast
-Fan Website, Car History, Photos, Parts, Current Listings
Web Design Related:
-Web Design (For Sale $250k)
-Web Design (1998 Domain - For Sale $2m)
Real Estate Related:
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, Real Estate Council (For Sale $5m, Pair)
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, Real Estate Council (For Sale $5m, Pair)
-Apartment Directory, Neighborhood Overview (For Sale $7m)
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, Real Estate Council, Email (For Sale $5m)
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, End User, Email (For Sale $1m)
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, Real Estate Council, Email (2001 Domain) (For Sale $10m)
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, End User, Email (2001 Domain) (For Sale $2.5m)
-Realtor Directory, Neighborhood Overview, End User, Email (2000 Domain) (For Sale $3m)
Extra Curricular sites:
-Fitness Brand, News, and Products
-Fitness Brand, News, and Products (White Label of Kimbro Strength) (For Sale $2m)
-Fan Site, Apparel, News, Alumni, Email (2001 Domain)
-Brand, Clothing, Swimwear, News, Email (For Sale $10m)
-Computers for sale - Link to trending build and deals (For sale $2.5 million)
When I mention email for example, wouldn’t it be nice, simple, and easy to say my email is, isn’t that worth the simplicity and peace of mind for your business, and employees?
Note on hyphenated domains: Now the internet is young and dashes have been frowned on by various capitalist domainers, in our opinion they are clean and easy to read, and email is a pioneer internet technology, such as dashed domains, and many are held by the ones that tell you not to buy. Does it pass the billboard test, yes, easier to read in a blur vs squinting your eyes to read the squished advertised domain. Prioritize without, buy the match, and dominate the market if you have the dash, key note - two word domains only.
A Standard Site - 2025
Current Services, and Rates:
Domain Internet and Web Consulting, Business Development Available:
30 min - $150
60 min - $250
120 min $300 (up to 2 Sessions)
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